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Dentures are removable appliances used to replace missing teeth and restore the appearance and function of your smile. They are a common solution for individuals who have lost some or all of their natural teeth due to factors like tooth decay, gum disease, injury, or aging. Dentures can help improve chewing ability, speech, and overall confidence in one's appearance.

There are two main types of dentures:
  1. Complete Dentures: These are used when all of the natural teeth are missing in either the upper or lower jaw, or both. Complete dentures are designed to replicate a full set of teeth and are typically made from acrylic materials. They rest on the gums and are held in place by suction and sometimes denture adhesives.
  2. Partial Dentures: Partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain in the mouth. They consist of replacement teeth attached to a metal or acrylic framework that clasps onto existing teeth to hold the denture in place. Partial dentures help fill in the gaps left by missing teeth and prevent the remaining natural teeth from shifting.
The process of getting dentures usually involves several steps:
  1. Initial Consultation: During the first visit, your dentist will assess your oral health and discuss your needs and preferences. They will explain the different types of dentures and recommend the most suitable option for you.
  2. Impressions and Measurements: Accurate impressions and measurements of your mouth will be taken to create custom dentures that fit comfortably and securely.
  3. Trial Fitting: A wax or plastic model of the dentures will be created for you to try. This step allows your dentist to make adjustments to the fit, shape, and color of the dentures based on your feedback.
  4. Final Fitting: Once any necessary adjustments have been made, the final dentures will be fabricated. During this appointment, your dentist will ensure that the dentures fit properly and provide instructions on how to care for and wear them.
  5. Adaptation Period: It may take some time to get used to wearing dentures. Eating, speaking, and adjusting to the feel of the dentures in your mouth can take a few weeks.
  6. Follow-Up Visits: Your dentist will schedule follow-up appointments to check the fit and function of the dentures and make any necessary adjustments.
It's important to note that while dentures can provide functional and aesthetic benefits, they require regular care to maintain their quality and your oral health. Proper cleaning, handling, and maintenance are crucial to ensure the longevity of your dentures and the health of your gums.

If you're experiencing severe tooth pain or suspect you might need a Dentures, please call our office at 301-880-9999 or click here to schedule an appointment.